Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Remembering Columbine - 10 Years Later

Yesterday was the 10 Year Anniversary of the Columbine shootings. I'd like to quote from the blog of my friend Nick Poole - Nick was a high school student (Derry Sr. High)I was working with at the time of the shootings:

"This event was formational in my life and it greatly impacted my future involvement in high school Bible Clubs both as a student and later a youth pastor. As a teenager and young adult, it was a reminder that life is short, we need to live it to the full! Ten years later, the world has continued to change. We are now living in a post-911 world. One of suspicion, uncertainty and violence. We don’t know what terror lies around the next turn. In the midst of all of this, I know I can have the same peace I had 10 years ago sitting in class. Regardless of what’s down the hall or down the street, I know that my God is on the throne. I can experience the peace that passes all understanding, not because of my power, ability, 0r insight, but because I serve a God who is greater and in the end has already conquered sin, death and the grave! Regardless of what terror or uncertainty you are facing today, remember God will see you through."

Here's a video that Nick shared on his blog as well. This is great.

1 comment:

Sheridan Hughes said...

Hey, Travis, I cannot believe you wrote a whole blog on Columbine. I remember that day so clearly, the terror that rushed through the school and our house that day...my parents hiding the newspapers...and since then it has gotten easier and my burden is nowhere near those that were at the high school, but I think being affect by it by living in the same school district counts too. Thanks for putting this up...people are healing, and while I shall never forget it, it gets easier to think about living through it and moving on and letting it make me stronger.